Policies and feedback

Your feedback and suggestions can help improve Pace services.

Our statutory information and policies

All of our statutory information and polices can be accessed here, as well as details for how you can give feedback to us.

Feedback, concerns and complaints

To make a complaint:

  • 1) For anything minor, discuss your concern with the Team Leader
  • 2) The teacher or conductor will attempt to resolve the complaint within one working day.
  • 3) If you are unhappy with the result or the complaint relates to wider issues, please contact the Head of Service or Chief Executive, who will respond within one working day.
  • 4) If you wish to make a formal complaint, at any stage, write to; Colin Hayfield, Chair of the Trustees of Pace c/o The Pace Centre Coventon Road Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP19 9JL

Parents can also make a complaint directly to Ofsted at:

Ofsted, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester M1 2WS


Tel: 0300 123 1231

Read our full complaints procedure
For all other feedback and suggestions

Formal complaints 2022-2023


The number of formal complaints registered

during the academic year 2022-2023 was 0

Real life Stories

Meet Ivy

Ivy is 11 and attends Pace School full-time. She has quadriplegic cerebral palsy and uses specialist switch access and a track system to get around in her motorised chair.

Annie 1

Meet Annie

Annie has a diagnosis of dystonic cerebral palsy, with associated involuntary movements which can be distressing and uncomfortable for her at times. Annie is a verbal communicator, although her tone and state of alertness can significantly impact her voice volume and how well she is heard and understood by others.

Meet Sonny

Sonny has cerebral palsy. The damage to his brain results from being born 10 weeks prematurely. As his mother Lou says, “I had heard of cerebral palsy, but I didn’t really know what it was or what it meant for my baby. The worst thing was, nobody did. We just had to wait and see what this disorder meant for my little boy. It was a matter of time.”

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