Pathways that enable potential

Your child’s education will be as unique as they are. We work with you to help access learning that’s right for them.

Your child’s journey

Your child’s journey

Pace School offers early years, primary and secondary provision spanning two school sites.

There are many options for your child, and we will discuss these with you. Our aim is to facilitate the right pathway of education for your child.

For some children, a full-time school placement at Pace may be right. For others, a part-time dual placement may be more appropriate. That might be a long-term arrangement or a stepping stone towards full-time inclusion in a mainstream school or another special school.

Universal specialism, differentiated approach

Real life stories

Meet Joey

Joey is 7 years old has a diagnosis of Periventricular Cerebral Palsy which affects all areas and in particular his lower limbs, trunk and left arm and hand, but his difficulties extend beyond these physical challenges. Joey started Pace in September 2017 and during his first visit it was clear that he was a very self-conscious little boy who found his body very difficult to use resulting in him being withdrawn, lacking self-confidence and self esteem. Therefore, building Joey’s social and emotional mental health was as important as developing his physical skills.

Meet Maisie

Maisie was born by emergency C-section. The blood flow between Maisie and her mother’s placenta had reversed and she was born with very little blood in her body. She needed to be resuscitated and had a number of seizures.

Annie 1

Meet Annie

Annie has a diagnosis of dystonic cerebral palsy, with associated involuntary movements which can be distressing and uncomfortable for her at times. Annie is a verbal communicator, although her tone and state of alertness can significantly impact her voice volume and how well she is heard and understood by others.

Interested in a school placement?

Email us to arrange a tour of the school – click the button below

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