Our purpose, vision and values

Discover the vision and passion which drives us all at Pace.

Our purpose

Pace is a specialist charity that is committed to ensuring that children with neurodisabilities have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential in life and can take their place in the world. 

Our Vision

Photo of a boy with a neurodisability in a gardening lesson at Pace school

Our Vision

We want every child in the UK with a neurodisability, and their family, to have access to educational and clinical support that is aligned with the Pace approach.

To that end, we work very intentionally to share our expertise, to train other providers and practitioners and to campaign for better provision.
Find out how our vision informs our strategy

Our values

Child and family centred

We always place the children, young people and families we support at the very heart of all that we do. The habits we seek to cultivate are focus and empathy.


We are creative problem-solvers, both in meeting the needs of our children, young people and families, and organisationally. The habits we seek to cultivate are creativity and problem-solving.


We are committed to achieving and continually advancing best practice in our field. We are intellectually curious and always seek to learn. The habits we seek to cultivate are curiosity and learning.


The dedication of our staff and volunteers is greater than one finds in many organisations. We believe that this is an important part of our success. The habits we seek to cultivate are passion and commitment.


Our practice is always informed by a sense of intelligent compassion for the children and families we support and by deep respect for each other. Intelligent compassion is always informed by what is in the best long-term interests of the child and the family and Pace’s long-term sustainability. The habits we seek to cultivate are compassion and respect.


We aspire to the very best outcomes for our children, young people and families. We aspire to be the best we can be, both as individuals and as an organisation. The habits we seek to cultivate are positivity and ambition.