Organise an event

Plan your own fundraising

Plan your own fundraising

Do you fancy fundraising for Pace? Could you organise your own bake sale? Would you run or hold an outdoor event? Dress up at work? Complete a gaming marathon?

At Pace, we welcome all of the fundraising efforts that YOU do to support US! However fun, wacky or challenging, we would love to have your support. Just play to your own strengths and get fundraising!
““We chose to support Pace for our recent Bierton Run, as Pace are a fantastic local charity who we hadn’t yet supported but knew how valuable they are in the community supporting children and their families. Particularly with the effects of the pandemic on charities, it was important to us to try and raise as much as we could! The support we had back from Lacey and Pace was fantastic in both helping to organise and put on a fantastic event for all involved. We look forward to working with Pace and raising more money for Pace in the future!”
Mark Grieves Bierton Parish Councillor

Resources, ideas and visits

Fundraising Resources

Start fundraising for Pace
Fundraising Pack

Let Us Know About Your Event

    Sponsorship Form
    Invitation Template
    Thank You Template
    Bunting Template