Admissions and funding

Our admissions procedures and paying for school places.

Admissions Criteria

Photo of a boy with a neurodisability outside at Pace school. He is in his powered wheelchair which has 4 coloured switches on the tray, he is holding a hoop and laughing.
Our integrated educational programmes are highly specialised. Pace School is suitable for children or young people with:

– Cerebral palsy or motor disorders including a range of associated problems such as sensory, perceptual, auditory or visual challenges
– Head injuries
– Genetic disorders resulting in some motor impairment

The specific nature of Pace School means we do not accept children who have:

– Learning difficulties but no motor disorder
– Behavioural problems but no motor disorder
– Autistic Spectrum Disorders with no motor disorder
– Rapidly progressive degenerative disorder

Younger children who are admitted to our early years provision may not yet have a diagnosis, but may have developmental delay.

School terms

Pace School is open 38 weeks per year, term time only, broadly in line with Buckinghamshire County Council’s published term dates. Children attend school between 9am and 3pm, Monday to Friday.

Admissions procedure

If you’ve made an enquiry to Pace School or been referred, an admissions assessment will be arranged. This will be carried out by our team of specialist teachers and therapists.


If the assessment team believe your child’s needs can be met at Pace, and a place is available, you (and your local education authority, if relevant) will be notified. Provisional places can be offered for nursery-aged children in Early Years provision, or for school-age children within Pace School.


There are two ways a child can secure a place at Pace School:

  • EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan). Pace can be named on your child’s EHCP in order to secure a place.
  • Privately funded. Families can directly fund a place for their child.
Read our admissions policy

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