
Connecting with others is wired in us from birth. Your child may need extra help to communicate. Pace can support you.

What is communication?

What is communication?

Communication includes everything from speech, facial expressions and body language, to pictures, gestures and even emojis. Understanding the ‘rules’ of interaction are important too.

We need to communicate not only to express what we need and feel, but also to tell stories, learn and engage in society. Communication is central to the way we engage with the world.

What your child might experience

Speaking is a complex physical task that requires control of your breath and facial muscles. Sign language also demands great control of your body, face, arms and fingers. So if movement is something your child finds difficult, communication can be a challenge.

Communication also develops through watching and listening – looking at faces and hearing voices. If your child has sensory loss, such as poor vision or a hearing impairment, learning to communicate will be more challenging.

How Pace can help

We believe every child needs and deserves a voice. From sign language to the latest assistive technology, we use a number of methods (called augmentative and alternative communication) to help children communicate. We provide individualised therapy, as well as training for parents.

We focus on ensuring children are calm, so they are in the right frame of mind to learn new skills including language. We make learning interactive, using role play and repetition.

We also develop your child’s movement because it’s so central to communication. When your child holds their head up, for example, they start to control the muscles used in speech. As they move through the world, their vocabulary grows to reflect new experiences.

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